
What is Navigate?

Michigan offers specialized support for youth and young adults experiencing a first episode of psychosis called NAVIGATE and ACT Early. The primary role of these teams is to explore your experience and discover what matters most to you and how to move in that direction. While this is a little different for everyone, many young people are focused on goals related to completing school, keeping a job, feeling more like themselves, and maintaining healthy relationships.

Specialty care programs are holistic in nature, which means that they take a treatment approach that addresses all areas of life. Depending on your specific needs, early treatment may include:

  • Individual Resiliency Training
    Therapy focused on identifying strengths, healing from difficult experiences, and learning new coping skills
  • Group counseling
  • Peer Support & Family Peer Support
  • Education and support for the whole family & support network
  • Support with educational and/or career goals
  • Medication management as needed
  • Substance use treatment as needed

smiling teen girl


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Michigan Minds Empowered website is a resource hub for teens and young adults experiencing changes in thinking, emotions, and sensory perceptions such as hearing or seeing things that others don’t. Although these experiences can feel unusual, they’re not uncommon. And with the right kind of support, it gets better.

Visit Michigan Minds Empowered

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